Questions that Beginners Ask About Airsoft Rifles


Airsofters are professional individuals and are often seen helping the beginners. Being an expert, I also take pride in assisting newbies or beginners. 

The easy way to help them is by answering their questions. There are some frequently asked questions regarding airsoft rifles that I will answer here. 

Following are some questions that beginners ask:

Are Airsoft Rifles Real?

Airsoft rifles are not real, but they seem like real. These guns replicate the original firearms. They have similar parts, and they even sound like real guns. 

The shooting mechanism is also the same. But the difference is the use of bullets. These guns don’t use real bullets. Rather, they use plastic BBs. 

This is the only thing which separates them from the real firearms. So, they are not real, but realistic because they provide a realistic shooting experience. 

Are Airsoft Rifles Safe?

Yes, they are absolutely safe. These rifles don’t use real bullets. They fire plastic BBs. These BBs are small and made of plastic. 

Hence, you can’t expect them to cause injuries. They may cause slight temporary pain, but they don’t inflict any injury. 

However, still, they can be threatening. Your eyes are vulnerable and may suffer damage if a BB hit your eyes. But you can wear eye protection to stay safe. 

Can Airsoft Rifles Be Used for Hunting?

No, airsoft rifles are not for hunting. These are made for airsoft sport and for enjoying some realistic shooting. 

The small plastic BBs don;t have the power to take down even the birds like quails and doves etc. 

They may cause some pain, but can’t knock them down. For hunting, use pellet guns instead, airsoft guns are for sporting purposes, not hunting. 

What is the Maximum Speed of Airsoft Rifles?

Airsoft rifles are not real guns, they lack power and strength that a real gun possesses. The strongest rifle can fire at a speed of 500 FPS. 

The maximum speed of a rifle goes to 550 feet per second. On the other hand, the minimum speed of a real gun is around 2000 feet per second. So, there is a huge difference.

Which Airsoft Rifle Should I Buy?

Well, it is a tricky question for a beginner. You can’t decide which gun you should buy unless you know about airsoft games. 

Airsoft games are scenario based games and they require different guns for playing them. So, it depends on which game you want to play and which role you like to play on the field. 

As a beginner, learn about airsoft games and learn which airsoft guns are needed for playing those games. 

Then, decide which game you would like to play, For playing sniper, you need to buy a sniper rifle.

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