Butterfly Knife Trainer – The Safest Knife Ever

butterfly knife

A butterfly knife trainer is the safe version of a real butterfly knife. It is designed for safe use of the knife. It keeps you protected from the injuries and is ideal for training and practice. 

A real butterfly knife is actually pretty unique and can be risky as well. It comes with two handles and one blade and that makes it hard or the newbies to use it. Hence, they are often injured while using it. This is why a butterfly knife trainer is recommended.

Real Butterfly Knife – A Risky Knife

A real butterfly knife can be extremely dangerous to handle. It has two handles and one blade. That blade is concealed inside the handle. You have to get used to the mechanism of this knife first before using it. Otherwise, it can be very risky. 

A Trainer Knife – Safe & Sound

A trainer butterfly knife is very safe and sound. It is designed as a replica balisong and is very safe to use for beginners. It has a blunt blade that means the blade is not very sharp. Therefore, that blade does not have the ability to cause any injuries or cuts. 

A Knife for Beginners to Learn

A butterfly knife trainer is a fake version designed for beginners. It is ideal for learning purposes since it has a blunt blade. Beginners can find it easier and safe to practice. So, for those who are not familiar with this knife should use the trainer version in the beginning. 

A Knife for Tricksters

A butterfly knife is also a great knife for tricksters who love playing tricks with knives. This is a perfect knife for playing different tricks. Also, it is very safe and causes no harm. So, you can perform your tricks without having to worry about injuries. 

Stay Safe – Use a Trainer Knife

So, if you want to stay safe while using a butterfly knife, better use a butterfly knife trainer. With a blunt blade, it secures you from all sorts of injuries. You can comfortably and safely use it for self defense and EDC purposes, and for playing different tricks.

Read Also: Machete – The Knife I Use On a Daily Basis in 2020

The Extraordinary Features of a Stiletto Knife

Stiletto knife is one of the most popular knives around. It is mainly popular due to its dagger like blade. It hails from Italy and served mainly as a combat knife.

However, today, it is being used as a utility knife and a self defense knife. Anyways, it has certain exceptional features. Today, I am here to explain all those features that make a stiletto knife. 

The Dagger-Like Appearance

Stiletto knife looks a lot like a dagger. It is known for its dagger-like appearance. It has a handle that makes it appear like a dagger. A thicker handle with a comfortable grip. Also, the blade of this knife looks like a dagger blade. The blade is long, thick and has a sharp point.  

The Pointed Blade

The other prominent feature of a stiletto knife is its pointed blade. The blade is quite thick and long. Mainly, it has a sharp point which allows it to penetrate deeply. In other words, there is a needle like point or a tip. This is why it was used as a combat knife traditionally.

Thrusting and Stabbing Abilities

Stiletto knife has some stabbing and thrusting abilities. Since it has a sharp point on the blade, it allows it to penetrate deeply into the body. This makes it great for stabbing and thrusting actions. Also, it makes it an ideal knife for self defense against the attackers. 

The Stiletto Switchblade

Stiletto switchblade is the modern version of stiletto knife. It is a knife with a folding blade. The rest of the mechanism is similar.

However, the blade can be folded inside the handle to make it easier to carry. You can push a button to deploy the blade quickly. This advanced version of stiletto is used mainly for self defense and utility cutting. 

Read Also: 5 Reasons You Need a Knuckle Duster in Your Collection in 2020

Everything You Must Know About Foam Swords


Foam swords are replica swords mainly used for cosplay, practice and decor. These are the softest swords you will ever see. Plus, they are the safest. 

This is what you expect from something made of foam. These swords have become extremely popular around the world for some reason. 

Today, I have come up with a brief exploration of foam swords. These soft swords are used in plenty of ways. 

Anyways, I am here to tell you how these swords are serving different types of users. So, let’s know everything that you should know about foam swords.

Made of Foam

The most significant thing about foam swords is that they are made of foam. Foam is easily the softest material on earth. The idea is to make them safe to use. 

Since foam is a soft material, there is no chance of accidental injuries while playing with them. You can even allow your kids to play with them. 

Excellent for Practice

The greatest advantage of foam swords is that they are excellent for practice. I know there are many who want to learn the art of swordship. 

But, there is always a fear if you practice with real swords. The blades can injure your hands. So, you can use these safe swords as an alternative to real swords for practicing swordship. 

Used for Cosplay

Foam swords are the best cosplay weapons. Many cosplayers tend to have a collection of these safe swords. 

WIth these swords, they can safely and comfortably play their roles without worrying about injuries. So, they can concentrate on playing their roles on stage. 

Lovely Collectibles

Foam swords are the loveliest collectibles. These are designed as replica swords and they look like original swords. 

However, they are made of foam. So, you can gather them as a collectible and then hang them along the walls in your living rooms or offices as a part of the decor. 

Halloween Costumes

If you are not a fan of using real steel bladed swords as your halloween costumes, you can rather use foam swords. These looks quite realistic, but they are lightweight and very safe. So, they can work as your costumes this Halloween.

Read Also: Pocket Knife is More Useful Than You Think

Questions that Beginners Ask About Airsoft Rifles


Airsofters are professional individuals and are often seen helping the beginners. Being an expert, I also take pride in assisting newbies or beginners. 

The easy way to help them is by answering their questions. There are some frequently asked questions regarding airsoft rifles that I will answer here. 

Following are some questions that beginners ask:

Are Airsoft Rifles Real?

Airsoft rifles are not real, but they seem like real. These guns replicate the original firearms. They have similar parts, and they even sound like real guns. 

The shooting mechanism is also the same. But the difference is the use of bullets. These guns don’t use real bullets. Rather, they use plastic BBs. 

This is the only thing which separates them from the real firearms. So, they are not real, but realistic because they provide a realistic shooting experience. 

Are Airsoft Rifles Safe?

Yes, they are absolutely safe. These rifles don’t use real bullets. They fire plastic BBs. These BBs are small and made of plastic. 

Hence, you can’t expect them to cause injuries. They may cause slight temporary pain, but they don’t inflict any injury. 

However, still, they can be threatening. Your eyes are vulnerable and may suffer damage if a BB hit your eyes. But you can wear eye protection to stay safe. 

Can Airsoft Rifles Be Used for Hunting?

No, airsoft rifles are not for hunting. These are made for airsoft sport and for enjoying some realistic shooting. 

The small plastic BBs don;t have the power to take down even the birds like quails and doves etc. 

They may cause some pain, but can’t knock them down. For hunting, use pellet guns instead, airsoft guns are for sporting purposes, not hunting. 

What is the Maximum Speed of Airsoft Rifles?

Airsoft rifles are not real guns, they lack power and strength that a real gun possesses. The strongest rifle can fire at a speed of 500 FPS. 

The maximum speed of a rifle goes to 550 feet per second. On the other hand, the minimum speed of a real gun is around 2000 feet per second. So, there is a huge difference.

Which Airsoft Rifle Should I Buy?

Well, it is a tricky question for a beginner. You can’t decide which gun you should buy unless you know about airsoft games. 

Airsoft games are scenario based games and they require different guns for playing them. So, it depends on which game you want to play and which role you like to play on the field. 

As a beginner, learn about airsoft games and learn which airsoft guns are needed for playing those games. 

Then, decide which game you would like to play, For playing sniper, you need to buy a sniper rifle.

Read Also: 3 Important Types of Knuckle Dusters

Nunchucks Used in a Historic Warfare


Nunchucks is a popular weapon today used for martial arts and self defense in America. 

However, it is originally an Okinawan weapon. It became popular in America when Bruce Lee displayed his skills of using this weapon in his movies during the 1980s. 

Nunchucks is also known as nunchaku and it is made of two wooden sticks. These sticks are connected using rope, chain or chord. 

It is a good weapon for fighting and defense with its longer reach. It was used in a historic warfare in China many centuries ago. Let’s explore the story of that historic war:

Chinese Emperor Defeated by Mongolians

During the 10th century, a Chinese emperor of the Sung dynasty fought the Mongolians and lost the battle. He had to lose his territory as well. 

As a result, he moved to the Chinese Mainland territory. This is where he stayed in a village and assisted the villagers in their work along with his army. 

As a result, the villagers fed him and took care of him and his army. 

Emperor Discovered Nunchucks

One day the emperor discovered a flail like weapon that villagers used for reaping crops. He thought that this weapon can be very handy in fighting the Mongolians. 

This weapon was actually a nunchaku. He took the weapon from the villagers and started practicing and learning fighting techniques. 

Army Trained with Nunchucks

He gathered his army and handed them a nunchaku each. Then, he trained his army with the weapon and taught that fighting techniques. 

For some time, they practiced those techniques. When the emperor learned that his army is now ready to face the Mongolians, he took his army and marched towards them. 

Chinese Emerging Victorious

When the battle took place between them, nunchucks assisted the army of the emperor. They fought and in the end managed to defeat the Mongolians. 

As a result, they recaptured their territory as well. This is how the Chinese emerged victorious, thanks to nunchucks. 

After that, nunchakus became pure fighting and self defense weapons. Several martial arts schools today teach fighting techniques with this weapon. Also, in America, it is being used as a weapon for battling the attackers.

Read Also: 3 Different Knuckle Dusters for 3 Different Uses

Top-Notch Benefits of a Lipstick Knife


A lipstick knife is known as one of the most effective self-defense weapons for women all over the world.

It is the thinking of most of our population that women can only use knives for utility purposes and not for fighting, well I should say, definitely not for fighting.

Fighting with knives is for men only and using knives for self-defense is for men as well. So, does that mean that women can’t use knives for self-defense?

Of course, they can and that is why a lipstick knife was invented so that it could be an exclusive self-defense weapon for women disguised as an ordinary lipstick.

So, let us have a look at what a lipstick knife actually is.

What is a Lipstick Knife?

This knife is a knife that is designed like lipstick or should we say that it is disguised as a lipstick.

It deceives the onlooker very much as it looks absolutely like an ordinary lipstick.

A lipstick knife is designed like a regular lipstick but features a tiny little knife instead of a beautiful lipstick shade when the lid is taken off and the lipstick is rotated.

Just when your assailant would be expecting that you are pulling out a lipstick to have a little makeover, you will surprise him/her with a razor-sharp knife that is definitely not a toy as it is fully functional.

The knife may be small but it works well and is quite useful too. This blade proves to be quite useful for self-defense situations as well as for utility purposes.

So, let us have a look at the uses that a lipstick knife can be put use to.

Utility Use in Everyday

LivesLipstick knives prove to be quite useful and efficient for utility use as well. The blade may be small but it works just fine and is very efficient as well.

You can use this razor-sharp hidden blades to perform a lot of tasks that you may need to execute in your daily life.

It can cut small fruits and vegetables, you can make belt holes from the blade of lipstick knives.

You can cut ropes, open letters whenever a letter opener is not available. You can even use a lipstick knife for first aid purposes.

So, yes, the uses of lipstick knives are endless, now it is up to that for the execution of which everyday tasks of yours, you use them for.


Use can lipstick knives for self-defense as well, especially you are a woman.

All working women, housewives, female students should carry these knives with them at all times so that they are well-equipped in the face of any dangerous situation that they might get themselves into.

So, women, be glad to know that you can now save yourselves from the evil eyes of the bad guys i.e. thieves, murderers or anyone who means you any harm.

You can carry a lipstick knife with you quite easily as it is compact and very small as well which means that you can easily carry it around.

Moreover, it is disguised as an ordinary cosmetic item i.e. a lipstick which means that it is easily concealable and gives you an edge over your attacker.

Moreover, this design also hides its true identity from other people and they will not scare away from you as most people do whenever they see a knife with someone.

This highly useful knife can be carried in bags, socks and even in pockets quite conveniently.

With its design and structure, it becomes easy for you to deploy it instantly in the time of need so that is another benefit of a lipstick knife.

So, do buy a lipstick knife for yourself and carry it with you at all times if you want to feel safe and secure at all times.

Read Also: What are Some of the Best Spring Assisted Knives of All Time?

4 Ways You Can Use Your Airsoft Rifles

Airsoft Guns, rifles

Airsoft rifles are the replica firearms that replicate the original guns. However, they are the safe to use guns that fire plastic bullets, known as BBs. They can’t fire the real bullets, and that’s why they are allowed to be used without any legal concerns. These replica firearms can be used in different ways. If you and your friends have just purchased these rifles, we suggest you four ways you can best use them. Here are our suggestions!

1. Airsoft Gaming

The most exciting thing you can do with your airsoft rifles is play the airsoft sport. Airsoft sport involves some scenario based games that are played on a field. It is not essential to get on the airsoft fields, you can rather create your own field. The easiest way is to head to a forest or a landscape where there is outside interference from the people. Also, choose a safe place to play the games. There is a vast variety of airsoft games, including Sniper, President, Capture the Flag, and Zombie etc. Play one of these exciting games and shoot your opponents to eliminate them!

2. Learning The Firearms

You can’t purchase the real guns these days in America just to learn about the firearms. So, what if you do want to learn about them? You can use your airsoft rifles to learn everything about the guns. These rifles are replicas, but they have everything similar to the original guns apart from the bullets. They have similar shooting mechanism and similar parts. So, you can learn about the different parts of the guns, how to load the magazine and how to fire the bullets with these replica rifles.

3. Improving Your Shooting Skills

With airsoft rifles, you can learn and improve your firing skills. It is difficult to shoot with the real guns in the US, but you have a luxury to experience realistic shooting with these replica rifles. A few of these rifles also sound like the original guns. So, you will be shooting like the real firearms. This way, you can improve your shooting skills.

4. Target Practice

Target practice is one of the best activities to perform with the airsoft rifles. If you want to improve your target hitting abilities, make a wooden target and encircle the actual target you want to hit. Fire from some distance to learn about the accuracy of your firing. Gradually increase the distance from the target to further enhance our target hitting range and capabilities. You can engage your friends and family members in the activity to arrange some competition and have some fun. It would be an enjoyable activity that will also assist in improving your skills.

So, which of these activities are you planning to perform? As per my suggestion, be creative to discover more activities. Anyhow, you can play different airsoft games and practice shooting to increase your skill-set!

Airsoft as a sport – What can be the benefits?

Airsoft has risen to its peak as a sport. You can get on the field with guns in your hand and shoot your opponents down. In addition, there are locations where you can find a great match with top airsoft player. This is one particular community of the people who are always striving to improve one another and themselves. However, the question is why should you get involved in this special sport? Here are a few reasons to play the airsoft sport.

Continuous Physical Improvements

The first and foremost benefit of getting involved in the airsoft competition is consistent physical improvements on the different levels. Holding the competition airsoft guns and ducking, running, hiding, dodging, jumping, and shooting can be excellent cardiovascular exercises. Such practices assure several physical benefits such as weight loss and enhanced strength. If you combine it with healthy diet, it would be a blessing in disguise.

Other than that, you will also see a significant enhancement in the body control and coordination from the practices such as learning how to shoot and how to aim while hiding. In addition, the airsoft activities like moving quietly and quickly become regular practices in your daily life. Moreover, you will develop your reactions to a greater level and improve your response time.

Like other sports, airsoft increases endurance and stamina. Airsoft involves significant amount of consistent movement which leaves a new airsoft player winded after just an hour. However, the more experienced airsoft players often play for half a day without even taking a break. Most of the airsoft players dedicate their weekends and holidays to this sport.

The unbelievable mental benefits

In your busy schedule, it become tough to relax or cut back. Even when you are on a vacation, it is difficult to avoid checking the emails, phone calls, and text messages. Also nowadays, even when you are away from work, you are still connected to your office by some means. You may still recieve calls and messages from your employer. This is where airsoft gives you a fair advantage.

Airsoft can give you the best excuse to relax by keeping you at a location where you cannot check your mobile device. In fact, you can’t even bring it on the battlefield. So, you have a perfect excuse to cut off with the phone and the office. This is one of the sports that give you a brilliant awareness of your surroundings. When you get involved in the matches, you learn paying close attention to the details. For you, even the little movements and tiny sounds become huge. So, you can easily notice small things around you. This improves your reaction time and makes you more attentive.

Airsoft can also boost your self-confidence and and strengthens your self-belief. When you defeat your opponents on the airsoft field, you start believing in your skills. This helps you in gaining more success off the field as well. Players also have fun playing airsoft when they experience danger without really risking their healths and lives.

Social Interactions

Airsoft community never backs down from welcoming the new members. They always remain at a stage where they strive to build a fan base for this wonderful sport. They always love to meet the people who have passion for the game. If you are beginner at Airsoft, every airsoft player would be eager to help you and increase your game awareness. Airsoft players love competition. Hence, they always attempt to help others establish airsoft skills so they can get a better competition.

Playing airsoft will give you an opportunity to interact with interesting and diverse people and make new friends. In the airsoft community, the members become a part of a family where they develop strong bonds with one another. So, there are endless ways in which Airsoft can benefit the players. You can try it as a hobby and identify that this is the sport you must play for whole life.

How to get skilled in the Knife Throwing Sport?

Kunai Knives

Knife throwing is a combat sport and skill which requires the players to be trained professionally and be skilled in the art of throwing knives. Most commonly, it involves the practice of throwing the knives on specified targets. It is popular as a sport as well as martial art, but operates at identical mechanism in both. It is also popular as entertainment, and called impalement arts in different regions of the world.

In the knife throwing sport, other weapons are also utilized, such as an axe, but knives are the most widely used. These knives are specifically designed knives, different from other ones, and can be more useful in hitting targets. They offer more accuracy while throwing them on the targets compared to other knives.

Knife Throwing – As a Sport

There is not much difference between archery and knife throwing sport, there is a specific target towards which the knife is thrown. This sport is similar to several other sports as well, including axe throwing, boomerang throwing and darts etc.

The major aim in this sport is to apply the ample force which makes the point stick into your target. You need maximum accuracy, body placement, precision, and continuous practice to be expert in throwing knives. In knife throwing, there is a specific technique which causes the knife to spin after it is thrown towards the target. Moreover, the way you hold the knife is also pretty crucial in this sport. For instance, in case you hold it from the handle, it would spin full, while in case you hold it from the blade, it would spin half.

Also, there are simple and easy no spin techniques which make sure that the motion of the thrown knife remains linear. This is usually done by placing your index finger on the spin at the releasing time. This would prevent revolution made by the knife. However, this technique is less popular because these linear techniques provide less stability or accuracy as compared to the techniques of spinning.

The worldwide competitions of Knife throwing Sport

Like archery, in different European countries and the United States, there are numerous communities of people advancing this wonderful sport. Europe includes more than 25 clubs of knife throwing which determines its popularity as a sport. There are worldwide knife throwing competitions held in both USA and Europe. In its common form, the competition includes a series of straighter throws aiming at the standard wooden or foam targets.

Like an archery target, the knife throwing competition includes a bullseye surrounded by a few or a single ring. The points are scored if your knife is stuck into the target. There is a distance specified, and the thrower needs to stand at this distance for throwing knives. To make the events more challenging, sometimes this distance is enhanced.

There is an authority known as International Throwers Hall of Fame which determines the ranking of the throwers based on their performance in the sponsored throwing knives competition. Also, a register is made for keeping the records made by the throwers.

Getting Skilled in this sport of throwing knives

There are quite a few sports in which the primary tools are the knives. For enthusiasts, knife throwing is an alluring game. It is one of the fairly straightforward sports if you are unfamiliar. Throwing knives at a wooden target from some distance sounds pretty easy, but in fact it is harder than your imagination. The regular throwers are more skilled and experienced, so it would be easier for them to hit the targets. If you are trying to learn this sport, I can guide you step by step to get skilled in knife throwing.

Before getting started, do some research

Before you purchase a throwing knife, you should perform thorough research on this sport and identify the risks associated with it. Read and understand the security instructions for playing the game, know the different throwing styles. If you don’t understand the written text well, try watching the videos. In fact, watching videos is better because it would give you a much better idea about the techniques used by the different players for throwing knives.

Purchase a throwing knife

When you get to the market for buying a knife, you will come to know about the enormous variety of these knives. There are specifically designed knives for throwing competitions and there are others that resist breaking and bending. So, it is up to you to decide which one you should buy. Keep in mind that the knives of different designs, shapes, and styles all differ in terms of purposes. Hence, it is crucial to perform that preliminary research for identifying the best throwing knife that you must choose.

Learn the art of throwing

Once you have purchased the knife, now it’s the time to use it. The first thing you must learn before using it is how to throw. Several web locations can help you in this regard. Watch the videos first and then start throwing. Get a big wooden board and throw the knives on it. Specify a target and check how close you can hit. However, be careful while throwing, make sure no one is in front of you while throwing the knife. It would take many tries at the start before you get it right.

Practice is the key

In any sport in the world, practice is what makes you a good player. Knife throwing also requires hard practices. Make sure to practice it more at the start. Get your friends involved in the game. Enjoy the sport, have fun, and raise your chances to improve.

Get involved in competitions

It is not necessary to join a competition, but it would provide more learning opportunities. When you meet more skilled people, you will seek improvements, learn about tips to make your target-hitting better. You can join the knife throwing communities as well. So, become a skilled knife thrower and win competitions.

Read More: Why Does Everyone Need a Real Hidden Knife?

How to Choose the Best Airsoft Sniper Rifles?

The unofficial slogan of “one shot; one kill” doesn’t necessarily work for the wannabe snipers who are looking for the best airsoft sniper rifles for sale. Without a doubt, there is something ultimately glamorous about the military snipers as you observe them during their real-life training; or, the way they are portrayed in the action and military movies. However, the harsh truth is that one needs loads of patience and strong will power for playing the role of an airsoft sniper.

Not to mention the fact that in the airsoft game, the sniping activity is entirely different from the real world. Nonetheless, it still requires a great deal of skill, patience, experience, and the best airsoft sniper rifles. The first and foremost key for a successful airsoft sniper is his/her gaming experience; whereas, on the second number comes the selection of the perfect airsoft sniper rifles that suits their gaming style.

The range of Airsoft Sniper Rifles

Before we proceed towards the topic to discuss with regards to how you can choose the best airsoft sniper rifles; it is important to mention the qualities and essential characteristics of a good airsoft sniper. As mentioned earlier, airsoft sniping is way different than real-world sniping; apart from regular target practice, you will also need a couple of other factors to polish your sniping skills on the airsoft battlefield.

In an airsoft game, you will be able to shoot from the range of at least 400 feet with the airsoft sniper rifles. The airsoft game is essentially short-ranged in order to avoid injuries; also, instead of real bullets, the airsoft sniper rifles use plastic pellets, also known as BBs which are lightweight and are projected with light speed. Therefore, it would be wrong to expect that you would be playing the role of a real-world sniper with your airsoft sniper rifles.

Importance of Companions and Stealth

The art of airsoft sniping is not so much related to hitting the opponent team members with the plastic pellets fired from the airsoft sniper rifles; instead, it is more related to the art of staying hidden. As compared to the (AEGs) electric airsoft guns, the airsoft sniper rifles are unbelievably silent and don’t make much of a sound.

The art of maneuvering the airsoft sniper rifles relies on the mastering of dealing the airsoft sniper rifles without making a sound. If you learn the art of stealth to your advantage, I can guarantee you that you can eliminate and disqualify the whole squad of the opponent team with your airsoft sniper rifles. Remember to stay well-hidden all the time; else, once your hiding location gets revealed you might have some trouble in hitting the enemy team.

When you are playing the role of an airsoft sniper, you will have to rely much on your companions as well. In real life, the snipers are often trained in a certain way to rely on their friends via effective teamwork with regard to “spotting”, “targeting”, and “shooting”. The same goes for the airsoft game and airsoft battlefield where effective teamwork is required to keep track of the enemy’s movements with regards to their location and what they are planning to do.

Picking the Airsoft Sniper Rifles

Before you choose the best airsoft sniper rifles, you will need to select the airsoft platform that you will be playing on. In other words, your selected airsoft sniper rifles ought to match your airsoft game field. If you are intending to stay hidden at a spot for a longer time, you are better off with a long-barreled airsoft sniper rifle which is heavier in contrast to other versions of the airsoft sniper rifles. In this regard, it is recommended to get the L69.

However, if you are planning to move quickly while carrying the airsoft sniper rifle, you better choose the versions of the airsoft sniper rifles which are short-barreled along with being lighter in weight and shorter in size. In this regard, it is recommended to choose one of the lighter versions of the airsoft sniper rifles, such as the VSR-10 (GSPEC). Apart from getting the best airsoft sniper rifles for your sniping role, it is equally important to wear safety airsoft gear in order to avoid airsoft injuries.

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