Butterfly Knife Trainer – The Safest Knife Ever

butterfly knife

A butterfly knife trainer is the safe version of a real butterfly knife. It is designed for safe use of the knife. It keeps you protected from the injuries and is ideal for training and practice. 

A real butterfly knife is actually pretty unique and can be risky as well. It comes with two handles and one blade and that makes it hard or the newbies to use it. Hence, they are often injured while using it. This is why a butterfly knife trainer is recommended.

Real Butterfly Knife – A Risky Knife

A real butterfly knife can be extremely dangerous to handle. It has two handles and one blade. That blade is concealed inside the handle. You have to get used to the mechanism of this knife first before using it. Otherwise, it can be very risky. 

A Trainer Knife – Safe & Sound

A trainer butterfly knife is very safe and sound. It is designed as a replica balisong and is very safe to use for beginners. It has a blunt blade that means the blade is not very sharp. Therefore, that blade does not have the ability to cause any injuries or cuts. 

A Knife for Beginners to Learn

A butterfly knife trainer is a fake version designed for beginners. It is ideal for learning purposes since it has a blunt blade. Beginners can find it easier and safe to practice. So, for those who are not familiar with this knife should use the trainer version in the beginning. 

A Knife for Tricksters

A butterfly knife is also a great knife for tricksters who love playing tricks with knives. This is a perfect knife for playing different tricks. Also, it is very safe and causes no harm. So, you can perform your tricks without having to worry about injuries. 

Stay Safe – Use a Trainer Knife

So, if you want to stay safe while using a butterfly knife, better use a butterfly knife trainer. With a blunt blade, it secures you from all sorts of injuries. You can comfortably and safely use it for self defense and EDC purposes, and for playing different tricks.

Read Also: Machete – The Knife I Use On a Daily Basis in 2020

The Extraordinary Features of a Stiletto Knife

Stiletto knife is one of the most popular knives around. It is mainly popular due to its dagger like blade. It hails from Italy and served mainly as a combat knife.

However, today, it is being used as a utility knife and a self defense knife. Anyways, it has certain exceptional features. Today, I am here to explain all those features that make a stiletto knife. 

The Dagger-Like Appearance

Stiletto knife looks a lot like a dagger. It is known for its dagger-like appearance. It has a handle that makes it appear like a dagger. A thicker handle with a comfortable grip. Also, the blade of this knife looks like a dagger blade. The blade is long, thick and has a sharp point.  

The Pointed Blade

The other prominent feature of a stiletto knife is its pointed blade. The blade is quite thick and long. Mainly, it has a sharp point which allows it to penetrate deeply. In other words, there is a needle like point or a tip. This is why it was used as a combat knife traditionally.

Thrusting and Stabbing Abilities

Stiletto knife has some stabbing and thrusting abilities. Since it has a sharp point on the blade, it allows it to penetrate deeply into the body. This makes it great for stabbing and thrusting actions. Also, it makes it an ideal knife for self defense against the attackers. 

The Stiletto Switchblade

Stiletto switchblade is the modern version of stiletto knife. It is a knife with a folding blade. The rest of the mechanism is similar.

However, the blade can be folded inside the handle to make it easier to carry. You can push a button to deploy the blade quickly. This advanced version of stiletto is used mainly for self defense and utility cutting. 

Read Also: 5 Reasons You Need a Knuckle Duster in Your Collection in 2020

Top-Notch Benefits of a Lipstick Knife


A lipstick knife is known as one of the most effective self-defense weapons for women all over the world.

It is the thinking of most of our population that women can only use knives for utility purposes and not for fighting, well I should say, definitely not for fighting.

Fighting with knives is for men only and using knives for self-defense is for men as well. So, does that mean that women can’t use knives for self-defense?

Of course, they can and that is why a lipstick knife was invented so that it could be an exclusive self-defense weapon for women disguised as an ordinary lipstick.

So, let us have a look at what a lipstick knife actually is.

What is a Lipstick Knife?

This knife is a knife that is designed like lipstick or should we say that it is disguised as a lipstick.

It deceives the onlooker very much as it looks absolutely like an ordinary lipstick.

A lipstick knife is designed like a regular lipstick but features a tiny little knife instead of a beautiful lipstick shade when the lid is taken off and the lipstick is rotated.

Just when your assailant would be expecting that you are pulling out a lipstick to have a little makeover, you will surprise him/her with a razor-sharp knife that is definitely not a toy as it is fully functional.

The knife may be small but it works well and is quite useful too. This blade proves to be quite useful for self-defense situations as well as for utility purposes.

So, let us have a look at the uses that a lipstick knife can be put use to.

Utility Use in Everyday

LivesLipstick knives prove to be quite useful and efficient for utility use as well. The blade may be small but it works just fine and is very efficient as well.

You can use this razor-sharp hidden blades to perform a lot of tasks that you may need to execute in your daily life.

It can cut small fruits and vegetables, you can make belt holes from the blade of lipstick knives.

You can cut ropes, open letters whenever a letter opener is not available. You can even use a lipstick knife for first aid purposes.

So, yes, the uses of lipstick knives are endless, now it is up to that for the execution of which everyday tasks of yours, you use them for.


Use can lipstick knives for self-defense as well, especially you are a woman.

All working women, housewives, female students should carry these knives with them at all times so that they are well-equipped in the face of any dangerous situation that they might get themselves into.

So, women, be glad to know that you can now save yourselves from the evil eyes of the bad guys i.e. thieves, murderers or anyone who means you any harm.

You can carry a lipstick knife with you quite easily as it is compact and very small as well which means that you can easily carry it around.

Moreover, it is disguised as an ordinary cosmetic item i.e. a lipstick which means that it is easily concealable and gives you an edge over your attacker.

Moreover, this design also hides its true identity from other people and they will not scare away from you as most people do whenever they see a knife with someone.

This highly useful knife can be carried in bags, socks and even in pockets quite conveniently.

With its design and structure, it becomes easy for you to deploy it instantly in the time of need so that is another benefit of a lipstick knife.

So, do buy a lipstick knife for yourself and carry it with you at all times if you want to feel safe and secure at all times.

Read Also: What are Some of the Best Spring Assisted Knives of All Time?

How to get skilled in the Knife Throwing Sport?

Kunai Knives

Knife throwing is a combat sport and skill which requires the players to be trained professionally and be skilled in the art of throwing knives. Most commonly, it involves the practice of throwing the knives on specified targets. It is popular as a sport as well as martial art, but operates at identical mechanism in both. It is also popular as entertainment, and called impalement arts in different regions of the world.

In the knife throwing sport, other weapons are also utilized, such as an axe, but knives are the most widely used. These knives are specifically designed knives, different from other ones, and can be more useful in hitting targets. They offer more accuracy while throwing them on the targets compared to other knives.

Knife Throwing – As a Sport

There is not much difference between archery and knife throwing sport, there is a specific target towards which the knife is thrown. This sport is similar to several other sports as well, including axe throwing, boomerang throwing and darts etc.

The major aim in this sport is to apply the ample force which makes the point stick into your target. You need maximum accuracy, body placement, precision, and continuous practice to be expert in throwing knives. In knife throwing, there is a specific technique which causes the knife to spin after it is thrown towards the target. Moreover, the way you hold the knife is also pretty crucial in this sport. For instance, in case you hold it from the handle, it would spin full, while in case you hold it from the blade, it would spin half.

Also, there are simple and easy no spin techniques which make sure that the motion of the thrown knife remains linear. This is usually done by placing your index finger on the spin at the releasing time. This would prevent revolution made by the knife. However, this technique is less popular because these linear techniques provide less stability or accuracy as compared to the techniques of spinning.

The worldwide competitions of Knife throwing Sport

Like archery, in different European countries and the United States, there are numerous communities of people advancing this wonderful sport. Europe includes more than 25 clubs of knife throwing which determines its popularity as a sport. There are worldwide knife throwing competitions held in both USA and Europe. In its common form, the competition includes a series of straighter throws aiming at the standard wooden or foam targets.

Like an archery target, the knife throwing competition includes a bullseye surrounded by a few or a single ring. The points are scored if your knife is stuck into the target. There is a distance specified, and the thrower needs to stand at this distance for throwing knives. To make the events more challenging, sometimes this distance is enhanced.

There is an authority known as International Throwers Hall of Fame which determines the ranking of the throwers based on their performance in the sponsored throwing knives competition. Also, a register is made for keeping the records made by the throwers.

Getting Skilled in this sport of throwing knives

There are quite a few sports in which the primary tools are the knives. For enthusiasts, knife throwing is an alluring game. It is one of the fairly straightforward sports if you are unfamiliar. Throwing knives at a wooden target from some distance sounds pretty easy, but in fact it is harder than your imagination. The regular throwers are more skilled and experienced, so it would be easier for them to hit the targets. If you are trying to learn this sport, I can guide you step by step to get skilled in knife throwing.

Before getting started, do some research

Before you purchase a throwing knife, you should perform thorough research on this sport and identify the risks associated with it. Read and understand the security instructions for playing the game, know the different throwing styles. If you don’t understand the written text well, try watching the videos. In fact, watching videos is better because it would give you a much better idea about the techniques used by the different players for throwing knives.

Purchase a throwing knife

When you get to the market for buying a knife, you will come to know about the enormous variety of these knives. There are specifically designed knives for throwing competitions and there are others that resist breaking and bending. So, it is up to you to decide which one you should buy. Keep in mind that the knives of different designs, shapes, and styles all differ in terms of purposes. Hence, it is crucial to perform that preliminary research for identifying the best throwing knife that you must choose.

Learn the art of throwing

Once you have purchased the knife, now it’s the time to use it. The first thing you must learn before using it is how to throw. Several web locations can help you in this regard. Watch the videos first and then start throwing. Get a big wooden board and throw the knives on it. Specify a target and check how close you can hit. However, be careful while throwing, make sure no one is in front of you while throwing the knife. It would take many tries at the start before you get it right.

Practice is the key

In any sport in the world, practice is what makes you a good player. Knife throwing also requires hard practices. Make sure to practice it more at the start. Get your friends involved in the game. Enjoy the sport, have fun, and raise your chances to improve.

Get involved in competitions

It is not necessary to join a competition, but it would provide more learning opportunities. When you meet more skilled people, you will seek improvements, learn about tips to make your target-hitting better. You can join the knife throwing communities as well. So, become a skilled knife thrower and win competitions.

Read More: Why Does Everyone Need a Real Hidden Knife?

What is the Difference between a Knife and a Dagger?

Daggers for Sale

If you are looking for the daggers for sale, you ought to know the difference between a dagger and a knife first. Many people consider daggers and knives to belong to the same blade category. However, there is a significant difference between both blade types. The daggers differ from the knives in a way that originally, the daggers were meant to serve as stabbing weapons.

Whereas, the knives are multi-functional tools which serve a variety of purposes and functionalities associated with everyday tasks. In this regard, it is also important to note the difference between both blades with regards to their designs and forms. We see that the daggers comprise a sharp point which is perfect for the stabbing purpose.

The narrow blades of the daggers are double-edged and extremely sharp. On contrary, the knives have only a single edge; however, there is a variety of knives which have double-edge blades as well. The below-given list comprises some of the deadliest knives and daggers of mankind’s history.

1.   The BC-41 Dagger

This is one of the most dangerous daggers in history; not to mention the fact that the BC-41 was a combination of the knuckleduster and a dagger weapon which was widely in use by the British soldiers during the WWII. This dagger proved a deadly weapon during the countless ambushes which were fought within the trenches where rifles couldn’t be as effectively used as the trench knives and daggers.

In contrast to other trench knives and daggers used during the WWII, the BC-41 was one of the rarest versions of the daggers. The overall length of the BC-41 is that of 9-inches with the portion of the knuckle dusters measuring at least 4-inches. Even today, the BC-41 is considered to be one of the best daggers; it also fits perfectly in one’s hand due to its perfect design and form.

2.   The Push Dagger

This is one of my favorites with regards to the deadliest and most dangerous daggers; the push dagger is also known as the “T-handled” knife due to its unique design. The handle of the knife is one of the best features of this amazing dagger version. This dagger is specifically designed to be held in a certain way in the hand so that the blade of the push dagger points in the forward direction.

This is one of the deadliest combat daggers as these are specifically designed in a way to stab the opponent from behind instead of using it in fighting combat. The blades of the push daggers are double-edged; whereas, these push daggers have a smooth diamond cross-section. The total length of this version of the deadliest versions is approximately 7.25-inches.

3.   The Fixation Bowie

Apart from the daggers, there are some versions of the deadliest knives as well. The Fixation Bowie is one of the deadliest fighting knives. The Fixation Bowie is manufactured by the SOG Company. Similar to all other blades made by the SOG, the Fixation Bowie includes seamless fits positioned between the cross guards and the blade of the fixation bowie knife.

The Fixation Bowie is indeed exceptional with its unique blade grooves, unique cut-outs of the cross guard, the checkered handles which can be wrapped around, and the spanner nuts. The overall length of this fighting bowie knife is approximately 13-inches; whereas, the blade length of the Fixation Bowie is at least of 7-inches. The handle of this deadly knife is made of Kraton; whereas, the sheath of the Fixation Bowie is made of nylon. If you are looking for a dagger-type fighting knife, you ought to get yourself an amazing bowie knife.

4.   The Black Dagger (King Tut)

The black dagger of the ancient pharaoh, King Tut beats all other deadliest daggers of the world. The black dagger of King Tut dates back for more than 3000 years; legend says that the material of the black dagger was out of this world; hence, extraterrestrial.

Later on, some scientists did some lab testing with regards to the material of the black dagger and it was proved that the material of the dagger was not from this world. No matter what kind of dagger you chose, make sure to check in with the local laws with regards to the legality of the daggers while checking out the best daggers for sale.

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The Belt Buckle Knife: A Cool Way to Stay Safe!

Dragons Inferno Knuckle Paperweight Gold

The hidden knife belt buckle can come in handy for many more purposes other than holding up your pants. Such “other” purpose include “stabbing”, “thrusting”, and “slashing”; especially, if you have been attacked by some lunatic, or, you are facing some other distressed situation. The hidden belt knife is perfectly built to remain undetected from the untrained eyes of others; therefore, it is one of the best concealed-carry blades and self defense weapons.

Outwardly, this is just a normal belt with an ordinary belt buckle; however, once you feel the need to unleash the hidden knife, you can slip out the belt buckle and reveal the hidden knife. Furthermore, you can also use the hidden knife belt buckle as an effective bottle opener. The typical length of the hidden knife belt buckle ranges somewhere between 2.5 inches and almost 3 inches. Furthermore, you can also opt between a single-edged and double-edged blade. While choosing the perfect belt, you might also opt for the one that has a secretive portion where you can keep the money as well.

Apart from the hidden knife belt buckle, there are other versions of hidden knives as well that are concealed within ordinary objects. However, some versions of these hidden knives are illegal to carry and own in some states; therefore, it is crucial to check in with the local laws before getting any of these. Enjoy the below-given list of hidden knives that are different from the hidden knife belt buckle.

1.  Pen Knife

This is one of the coolest items to own; in fact, the pen knife will definitely give you the feel of being James Bond. If you are a writer and habitual of taking your notepad and pen with you at all times; then this is a must-have item. Not only is the penknife functional as a pen; but, at the time of need; you can successfully transform it into a knife and give your potential attacker a nasty surprise.

2.  Comb Knife

This item is a must-have for all the ladies as well as the men. The potential attacker might be thinking that you are combing that hair of yours; little do they know that you are about to unleash a blade that is hidden inside the handle of the comb. The best part is that the comb knife is available in a variety of colors which can match your outfit as well.

3.  Lipstick Knife

This hidden knife is exclusively designed for women. The only difference between a lipstick and the lipstick knife is that with a twist of the lipstick, a blade will pop out in case of a typical lipstick. The lipstick knife doesn’t work like the pen knife as it doesn’t serve its original purpose; this one has been specifically designed for the stabbing of the attacker’s anatomy as a way of personal defense. Similar to the hidden knife belt buckle, the comb knife, lipstick knife, and the penknife have a hidden fixed blade inside them.

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